Planning a trip

             Even if you're just taking a short trip, it pays to be prepared when you travel.
             The first item to pack is always common sense. Think ahead about the conditions you'll encounter at your destination. Remember that traveling doesn't mean taking a vacation from your doctor's orders, especially if you're on prescribed medications, a special diet or an exercise program.
             · Get a physical exam. If you've recently had surgery, a heart attack, a stroke, a bone fracture or another major health problem, your doctor can advise you on how soon you may travel, especially by air.
             · Update immunizations. Even if you're just traveling across several states, be sure your immunizations are up-to-date.
             · See your dentist. Don't let the excruciating pain of a toothache spoil your trip as you fly in a pressurized airplane or bite into an unfamiliar delicacy. Have cavities filled, poorly fitting dentures adjusted and other dental work done before you go.
             · Take extras. You never know when your stay might be extended or what unexpected circumstances might happen at your destination. Pack more of your medications than you think you'll need and get your prescriptions filled before you go. Take along a list of your allergies and prescription medications. If you wear eyeglasses, pack an extra pair as well as a copy of your most recent eyeglasses prescription. Include a pair of sturdy, comfortable shoes and clothes that are appropriate for all weather variations at your destination.
             · Be aware of health precautions at your destination. High altitudes and severe air pollution - often a problem in large cities - may be a particular health risk for older adults and people with high blood pressure, anemia, respiratory conditions or cardiovascular problems. Talk to your doctor ahead of time about how to handle these health concerns.

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Planning a trip. (1969, December 31). In Retrieved 20:35, October 05, 2024, from