Coruption of Antigua

             Jamaica Kincaid writes very well in expressing her feelings and letting the reader know how she feels on certain topics. She is very convincing on how beautiful Antigua is but also how corrupt it is at the same time. Kincaid writes with aggression and rage towards her Antiguan government, the tourism in Antigua, and the history of Antigua with the European influence.
             The government in Antigua is run by corrupt people who really only care about money. "The government is for sale; anybody from anywhere can come to Antigua and for a sum of money get what he wants." (47) The only people in Antigua that live a life of island paradise are the ones with a lot of money. The bad thing in Antigua is the way the government is set up; there is no way to make an honest living, to make a lot of money in this place. The people that have lots of money in Antigua get it from corrupt things, like drugs, the rich people are mostly criminals. This is very sad, and feeling this way about your government is very depressing. Jamaica also is very disappointed in her government because they don't fund anything for the people that live in Antigua. The library in Antigua was damaged in 1974, and the repairs on it are still pending. Jamaica as a writer would have liked to frequent the library, but it has been damaged for over a decade when this essay was written. This is just an example of the government of Antigua not caring about its citizens. The government would rather spend money on roads just for when the Queen visits. They care more about making sure the Queen has a pleasurable experience then other things that should be more important like the welfare of the natives in the country. It is also depressing that in a poor country like this most of the money that the government gets is from tourism which is another reason for anger.
             Antigua is a small country which thrives of the money it makes in

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Coruption of Antigua. (1969, December 31). In Retrieved 09:43, July 06, 2024, from