Why I want to pursue a career in Journalism

             A lot of things go into the makings of anyone, not just the makings of famous people like athletes and stars. Average ordinary people also have a lot of work put into themselves to come out like they are. Me personally I have a plan. I want to go into the journalism field mainly the advertising/public relations sector. So, writing has come to be a vital part of my daily life. In my opinion I have come to be able to use words as a way of expressing my thoughts hopes and dreams. Its like I have been doing this for a while now and I have a style and I want to make a life with it. My writing career span's back a long way and its hard to pinpoint when I actually started to like to write. But, I am certain of one thing and that is writing has become very important to me.
             Although its hard to say exactly when I began to use writing as a way of expressing who I was and what I wanted to say, I do know that way back when I was in about second or third grade I felt that writing and reading was very easy to me because it called for organizational skills instead of mathematical skills or logic. That's the point where I grasped onto reading and writing. It was something that came really easy to me. I didn't have to try to write something good , it just happened. It wasn't until much later that I found out that writing took not only effort but, inspiration.
             Much later on in about seventh grade I began to write for my schools newspaper. It was like nothing I had every did before. I felt like I could write for the rest of my life. Writing was the best to me because I had control over it. I could alter it and fix it until I felt it was just right. Nothing else in my life at the time was like that. So, from that point on I kind of knew or had an idea that I wanted to dedicate my life to writing in some type of capacity.
             Fast forward to my junior year of high ...

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Why I want to pursue a career in Journalism. (1969, December 31). In MegaEssays.com. Retrieved 20:04, October 05, 2024, from https://www.megaessays.com/viewpaper/82506.html