Education is a RIght

             An education is a basic human need. It is a need by which human existence of striving and developing depends on.
             I Reneika Knowles believe that an education is not a privilege but it is a fundamental right.
             Madam Chairman, Honorable judges, ladies and gentlemen good evening.
             The word Education is simply a process of learning.
             A right is a term used to show that we are entitled to something.
             If combined the equation would be = Education + Right = A right to an education.
             When put into effect it will help man to communicate better with himself, the world and society. (1 minute)
             As a child growing up, my parents have taught me the basis of an education.
             From being taught my first word right down to learning how to read and write.
             As well as being taught discipline, manners, respect, patience and how to conduct myself.
             These are the ingredients that made me a well-rounded and open-minded individual.
             Therefore I firmly believe that education is a right that has begun within the home.
             And in the home the bible is the book that the lord granted us, as the most vital educational tool for our spiritual development.
             How are we supposed to therefore read this human element, in order to understand the world and God's purpose for us.................. if we are stripped of the right to an education? This spiritual education is a God given right and will not be taken away by any man. (35 sec)
             Education was recognized as a basic human right 50 years ago in the United Nations Declaration of Human rights.
             10 years ago the world community promised primary education for all by the turn of the century and to halve adult literacy, 5 years ago the promised slipped by 15 years, to 2015.
             A country where no one is educated. This would lead to chaos, no inventors, no pioneers and no leaders. And this would cause a vicious cycle of igno

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Education is a RIght. (1969, December 31). In Retrieved 08:22, October 05, 2024, from