
             According to my Metaphysical Profile, I would be considered a materialist. I believe in concrete items that can be touched and seen. The chair I sit on is at the top of the list because it is solid and can be felt underneath me. Love is also something that I believe in. It can't be touched, but it is an emotion that cannot be denied. An episode of "reality TV" is last because even though the people are real, the cameras make them act differently from who they really are. Their real self is not always portrayed on television. This is what the truth was to me before the readings and discussions of the past weeks'. A few thinkers have challenged my beliefs, and made me see a different light.
             Borges believed in both the understanding of ideas and objects through the imagination. He was a Metaphysical Relativist, which means "reality exists in the eye of the beholder." Borges looked at the story of Tlon, and contrasted idealism with materialism. The Tlonians did not use nouns in their language because they didn't believe in objects. An object had to be an idea before anything else. If a Tlonian were to look at my profile, they would tell me the chair was an idea in my head and not an actual thing. "Their language and the derivations of their language all presuppose idealism."
             Nagarjuna states that nothing is real. There is no real existence through their Principle of Relativity which says: "Nothing disappears/ Nothing appears,
             There absolutely are no things."
             Vessella 2
             Life's experiences are perceived by us and our interpretation of it is different from what it truly is. With this being said, the chair is not really there, but rather my view of what reality is.
             In order to find true inner peace, according to Lao Zi, one must put stress behind them. To let go of the material world, and search fo...

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