The Greeks were, in my opinion, the pioneers of a functional government. I admire how they ran thier government, especially in Athens. "In earliest times, Athens was governed by a monarchy. A monarchy is a Greek work meaning 'ruled by one.' Soldiers handpicked their new leader and put him into power. Monarchy did not last long in Athens. In 800 B.C., the Athenians built a new government called an oligarchy, which means 'ruled by the few.' In 600 and 500 B.C., some leaders were known as tyrants. A tyranny is an unjust government led by someone who has taken power. By 508 B.C. democracy started in Athens. Greece had one of the first democracies ever!" (
"In Greece democracy meant 'Power of the people,' although women couldn't vote or run for office. Citizens who were 18 and male could be council members, judges or government officials. All three jobs lasted only one year and not one single person got paid for their services! The assembly would meet at the Acropolis four days every month." (
Rome had a republic, which was very similar to that of Ancient Greece. Considering the fact that Rome was in my opinion a copy of Greece, Roman architecture is very much like that of Greece. With the column ornamented buildings, marble carvings and gigantic marble statues of heroes and the gods and goddesses.
Speaking of gods and goddesses, Greek mythology and Roman mythology went hand in hand. The most similar sophisticated early civilization to Greece, was Rome. It is obvious that the Romans got the idea for their religion from the Greeks. All of the Roman Gods were the same Gods the Greeks worshiped only with different names. This carried on until the rise of Christianity, which is a complete, other paper topic. The worship of