The Need for Unity: The holocaust

             Even the most horrific events, like the Holocaust, teach a lesson or two and present a challenge to meet adversity eye to eye. When it comes to tragedy, the most important thing to concentrate on is the lesson this particular disaster presents. The most significant paradigm of the Holocaust is that we, as world citizens, need to honor each other and unite through diversity.
             In 1942, no more than 60 years ago, Hitler and the Third Reich announced theFinal Solution?, a plan to execute all the Jews in Europe. What many people in today's society don't realize is that Hitler was not only a power starved lunatic, but that he actually believed in aperfect race?. He played a substantial role in the Eugenics movement of 1935 in Europe. These radicals believed that genocide was the correct approach to achieving theperfect race?. InThe Vision of Race Unity: A statement by the national spiritual assembly of the Baha?is of the United States?, is quoted sayingThe fundamental solution to racial and ethnic conflict rests ultimately on the common recognition of the oneness of humankind.? If Hitler and his followers had believed this message, rather than in aperfect race?, the Holocaust would not have happened.
             Jonathan Swift once wrote,We have just enough religion to make us hate, but not enough to make us love one another.? Whether he knew it or not, he stated another lesson that should have been learned through the Holocaust. Religion was major factor in the Holocaust. It became a reason to hate rather than a reason to love. Albert Schweitzer, an early 20th-century German, Nobel Peace Prize-winning mission doctor and theologian wrote,The first step in the evolution of ethics is a sense of solidarity with other human beings.? How can we ever achieve a 'sense of solidarity? if we allow religion, of all things to be a reason to hate or a boundary line between us? We won't. The Promise of World Peace: A Statement of the Universal Hous...

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The Need for Unity: The holocaust. (1969, December 31). In Retrieved 09:53, July 06, 2024, from