Changing Times in the United States

             The United States, throughout its existence, has undergone many revolutions, political movements, battles, and debates. The two most influential factors in American history occurred in a very short period of time. World War I and World War II only spanned a short time period of twenty-seven years. Though these two landmarks in American history happened in a relatively short span of time, their influence on politics, the economy, and American culture would be monumental. Both wars redefined America as a whole and made for many changes throughout the country and the rest of the World. The United States changed more in those twenty-seven years than it ever had before. Politics and political views are constantly changing in the U.S., and the time period between 1918 and 1945 was no exception. The U.S. had learned to keep its nose out of other countries business. In 1914, Europe began to get very unstable. The Austro-Hungarian Empire was being torn up and fought over after the assassination of its heir Archduke Franz Ferdinand. This uneasiness in Europe surprised Americans. Lines were being drawn in the sand and political leaders were now choosing sides. America kept its idea of neutrality and encouraged it's citizens to do the same. "Impartial in thought as well as in action" was the idea in which President Wilson encouraged Americans to embrace. This idea of neutrality would not last long.
             In 1918, America entered the War due to the overwhelming threat from Germany, and America's idea of neutrality was postponed until the end. A barrage of propaganda kept people positive about the U.S. entering the war. Creative ad campaigns like the famous "Uncle Sam Wants You" posters kept people enlisting and doing their part, but for the most part the only thing encouraging the U.S. to have any part of the war was its economic ties with countries involved in it. When elections rolled around afterward, Warren G. Harding won by a landslide wit...

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Changing Times in the United States. (1969, December 31). In Retrieved 05:25, October 05, 2024, from