Bomb Drop

             Dropping the atom bomb Japan was amoral, nonsensical, and unnecessary. The decision to drop the atomic bomb was one which was rushed, and therefore, not fully analyzed to understand the repercussions that it would have. Even though it did successfully end World War II, it was not needed because the Japanese were without resources on their island due to the effective Ally sea blockade, and it was only a matter of time before they would surrender. The loss of some more soldiers' lives is a small expense compared to the damage that could be done by all the countries who now know of such a destructive weapon and are racing to create their own.
             Due to the speed at which the Manhattan project was rushed, the scientists were never able to fully test the long-term effects of such a powerful weapon. The scientists, who were obviously the most informed of the severity of this weapon, did not feel that the bomb should be dropped, and thought that it was effective enough as a deterrent. However, after spending two billion dollars on the Manhattan project, there was a sense that the bomb must be dropped to induce continual funding. After all, "How do you get congress to appropriate money for atomic energy research if you do not show results for the money which has been spent already." (The Agony of Atomic Scientists) This reason for dropping the bomb is completely immoral because it made Japan's civilians the guinea pigs for the bomb in order to convince congress to spend more money on research which can destroy the world.
             General Eisenhower stated, "I expressed the hope that we would never have to use such a thing against any enemy because I disliked seeing the United States take the lead in introducing into war something as horrible and destructive as this new weapon was described to be." As one of the most supreme powers in the world, the United States should be obligated to create wor

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Bomb Drop. (1969, December 31). In Retrieved 04:27, October 05, 2024, from