Epiphany at Twelve

             Most people experience tragic events that cause them to make a change in their lives for the better. Unfortunately this event occurred for me at the worst possible and best possible time, my twelfth birthday party. During this pre-teen era in my life, I was unbelievably inconsiderate to a person that now means the most to me. My maternal grandmother was a person who would do anything in her power to help a person until she became sickened with Leukemia, a form of cancer, and was then unable to do what she loved most-- make a difference in people's lives, or so she thought. My grandmother was my best friend, and I did not realize it until it was almost too late. I was impatient with my grandmother, rude to her, and I did not show her the love I felt and still feel for her.
             When I was a little girl I spent my summers and holiday gatherings at my grandmother's house. Christmas was my favorite time to spend with my grandmother. This particular holiday was my favorite time to spend with my grandmother because of the gifts that I would give to her. It was the best time because I was able to give her the gifts I had for her, which I had made for her, furthermore showing her the true love I felt for her. We shared a bond during this time. We would go to church, talk about my school life, and of course like any other grandmother and granddaughter relationship, my grandmother would tell me the stories of her childhood. My most loved story she told was about the "water hole" where she, her siblings and the other children would go to swim and eat fresh picked watermelon on hot summer days.
             However, when I grew out of the childhood period and into my preadolescent years, all of the things we did when I was younger ended. My grandmother became very ill and was diagnosed with cancer. My grandmother moved in with us so that we would be able to take care of her better. I did not understand why this was happening

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Epiphany at Twelve. (1969, December 31). In MegaEssays.com. Retrieved 14:35, December 03, 2024, from https://www.megaessays.com/viewpaper/86325.html