Advantages and Disadvantages of Bipedalism

             Advantages and Disadvantages of Bipedalism
             There are many advantages and disadvantages to being bipedal. Bipedalism can simply be put as having the ability to walk on two feet.
             There are not many species that are bipedal, but Homo sapiens are probably the most advanced when it comes to walking on two feet. It is really the only way of transportation that humans know.
             Humans were not always bipedal. It wasn't until about four millions years ago that anthropologists started to see changes in the skeletal structure of the Autralopithecus Afarensis. Many people say that this species is the root of all hominid evolution (Hunt 1993).
             Some trends that were seen in the skeleton were in the foot, femur, and pelvis bone. These changes are directly related to being bipedal. Many could be considered good and helpful but a few things almost seem as though they were better the way that they were before.
             The disadvantages consist of many things. Being bipedal now has slowed hominids down. They can no longer move as fast as they could at one point in time. Predators can also now see them over the top of the grass which can lead the predator to see them and pursue to hunt them. They also lost their prehensile feet, this caused them to be less stable and agile. This means that they were easier to knock over and lose a fight or possibly even get killed. The stomach was now exposed. This is where all of the vital organs are located and if these are injured then they can lead to serious injury of even death. Other long term physical problems that were seen to be occurring a lot more were knee, back, and circulatory problems. It is very hard work to pump blood all the way through the body.
             Many good things came from being bipedal too and many people can't imagine it any other way. One good thing that came about from this was now their hands were free. This meant many things. First of all they could now carry thi...

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Advantages and Disadvantages of Bipedalism. (1969, December 31). In Retrieved 02:45, January 05, 2025, from