On the Road to Success

             What makes a person successful? Does money, parents, or background guarantee success? The definition of success varies with each person, but to me one of the most essential definitions of a person's success is the impact they have on other people. Most of us hold pre-conceived notions of different socioeconomic backgrounds than our own. While people are truly impacted by these factors, some people can overcome them and reach success. Many people throughout history have prevailed over such obstacles as poverty, poor education, and poor parental guidance. For example, Abraham Lincoln had to struggle for a living and for learning, but he became a great leader and president. In my life, I have met many successful people, and have learned that success goes beyond having "good luck".
             I honestly believe that it is better to be a failure at something you love than to be a total success doing something that you hate. I do not see the purpose of anybody working so hard to accomplish success when they don't have the passion in their "craft". You may end up with money, which equals a decent lifestyle, which may be potential happiness, but dedicating your time to a task that is of little of your interest, in the long run, I'm almost sure that you will regret living your life in that manner. I believe it is vulgar to live your life working for the sole sake of wealth. That is a mistake many people commit. A friend of mine shared her father's story with me, which relates to my opinion that it is more "worthy" to be a failure at doing something you love than to succeed at something you hate. Her dad spent much of his time being a businessman, although his passion, the inspiration in his life was to compose. He loved to write songs, but he wanted to give his family a lifestyle that he didn't have as a child, and being a composer, he felt, wouldn't bring him enough to make his family happy. Therefore, he became a businessman. He would ...

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On the Road to Success. (1969, December 31). In MegaEssays.com. Retrieved 16:07, October 05, 2024, from https://www.megaessays.com/viewpaper/87516.html