Dealing With Stress

             Stress is a word many people can relate to, either through school, traffic, or work. It is an everyday thing everyone has to deal with no matter who he or she might be. Ultimately, if not properly dealt with, stress may in some extreme cases, even lead to death. Stress can be dealt with in various ways. If not dealt with in a positive matter, stress will lead to negative results. Therefore, the way we deal with stress is the main factor in getting rid of it.
             The word school, in itself, entails many worries. Some of those worries include grades, assignments, but most importantly financial debt. For example, studying for chemistry and calculus midterms all in the same week can really put a burden on a student. On top of the stress the class gives students, they know they're at least 300 dollars in debt for the class regardless of their final grade. Many deal with these problems in the wrong way. They get frustrated and start to believe they are wasting their time, and most importantly their money. A student dealing with this sort of situation may actually go as far as to consider dropping out of school. A positive way of dealing with this school related stress is to utilize money and time wisely by setting a schedule. An example of such a schedule may be prioritizing schoolwork and then putting extra-curricular activities where and if time allows. Another positive way of dealing with the pressures
             from school would be to listen to music right before class to relax and even give some motivation for the upcoming class.
             Moreover, another type of stress is road rage. Having encountered and been under the influence of road rage myself, I can say that traffic can really stress a person out. Imaging cutting someone off by accident and then he or she comes along and deliberately uses his or her vehicle as a weapon. Then there are those that just have to scream out obscenities and make obscene gestures.

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Dealing With Stress. (1969, December 31). In Retrieved 01:37, February 23, 2025, from