Driving and Drinking Age in the US vs in Europe

             I am an international student from Germany studying
             years, starting my third year. Turning 21 soon, I,
             personally, do not have a problem with
             the difference of allowances here in the US as opposed
             up. There young people are considered "adults" when
             they turn 18, and that is also when
             they are allowed to get their driving licenses AND
             Here, in the U.S., youth are allowed to drive when
             buy and consume alcohol until they turn 21. This
             creates a dilemma and knowing how it
             is with the difference of these laws in European
             countries, for example, I would like to
             I, myself, do not have any big problems with the fact
             drink and buy alcoholic beverages because I am not
             Regardless, in my two years here in the U.S., I've
             experienced that despite the law and
             the costly tickets that are distributed if the laws
             are not followed, a large number of
             minors still drink at parties and other gatherings and
             apparently do not care about the law.
             In addition, recent acquaintances of mine, age 21
             alcoholics and are struggling to fight the addiction
             and aggressiveness. And that at their
             age? When they both just passed the "legal" age? I
             think that the drinking age should be
             lowered to 18 because then people won't disobey the
             law as a strike-like opposition. Also, young people
             should discover the responsibilities of consuming
             alcohol and its consequences at an earlier age.
             Throughout the world, 18 year olds are considered
             Another thing that is not totally separate from what
             I've been talking about above,
             is the driving age. I do not agree with the fact that

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Driving and Drinking Age in the US vs in Europe. (1969, December 31). In MegaEssays.com. Retrieved 18:51, July 03, 2024, from https://www.megaessays.com/viewpaper/8859.html