Racism Against Muslims

             In a time of crisis, it is natural human nature to point the finger of the blame at whomever is the closest. However, it is one thing to merely think it, but an entirely different thing to publish your speculations.
             Since the September 11, 2001 attacks, all fingers have been pointed at the Muslims. The newspapers have lowered their standards of decency in regards to what they will print in their pages.
             It would be considered completely absurd to publish racist comments normally in our day and age, so why are we allowing bias and ignorant thoughts to be delivered to our doorsteps in the paper.
             Canadians pride themselves in being objective in their news coverage. However, the Toronto Star is guilty of allowing letters and articles that give a misleading impression of Muslims to be published.
             Newspapers regard this as exercising the freedom of speech. But at what cost? People are not born racist, it is taught. By allowing absolute rubbish against Muslims to be published, we are teaching our youth that it is okay to hate a group of people based on their religion alone.
             Media ethics need at be at their absolute highest right now because many people do not understand Muslims. It is the job of media representatives to depict them in a fair and truthful manner. They must give a more balanced view of Muslim civilizations.
             In the November 2, 2001 Letters page of The Star, there was very ignorant letter by Mike Michaels published. In this letter, Michaels claims that it is "true Muslim fashion" to oppress non-Muslims.
             Historically, it is easy to see that Michaels is gravely misinformed. Islam was able to spread into India and the Iberian Peninsula in Europe within a short few decades. This would not have been possible without the support of the Christian population, which suggests that the Christians were more suppressed under Christian rule than under Muslim rule.
             I expect The Star to have a bett...

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Racism Against Muslims. (1969, December 31). In MegaEssays.com. Retrieved 08:17, October 05, 2024, from https://www.megaessays.com/viewpaper/88598.html