Well Well Well..... There is that bullies house that I hate, good thing it is Halloween. This egg would look really nice on the siding of the house. Wait is it morally right to throw an egg at a bully's house that I hate. Lets think back to my philosophy class when we read about "The Conscience of Huckleberry Finn" by Jon Bennett.
Well obviously most kids are not going to sit and think about if it is morally right to throw an egg at a bully's house. They are just going to do it. But with all egg throwing aside what would happen if you took "How not to answer moral questions" by Tom Regan and used the context of the conscience of Huckleberry Finn what you get or at least I am going to try and tell you what you would get?
Well the first stop on our 4-part journey is the first way on how not to answer a moral question. Which is you cannot use your moral right and wrong to determine just by finding out about someone's personal preference. So in the case of Huck and Jim on the raft when Huck is thinking that he should row in and tell somebody. He cannot use that fact that Jim is black as a reason for rowing in. Also when Jim is talking about how happy he is for being freed Huck can't use that either. So he can't row in and tell somebody on that evaluation of that way.
The second way of not answering a moral question is thinking something is right or wrong does not make it so. With that said when Huck is having an internal struggle about telling someone and Jim is rambling on about freedom and what he is going to do after he gets on shore. Huck cannot use what he thinks is right or wrong on telling someone, just because Huck was raised to think that black people were nothing more than servants. Everybody should be treated equal.
The third way of not answering a moral question is you cannot use what the majority favors or by taking a vote. Point in case is when Huck is th