Munich Conference

             In 1938, a summit with Hitler, called the Munich Conference, took place. This meeting was in concerns with Germany's occupation in Czechoslovakia. The Western leaders agreed to divide Czechoslovakia with the promise that Hitler would take no more land. France and England were in hopes to conserve the peace in Europe. This act of appeasement did not work. Germany went to war with the rest of Europe in the next couple of years. The Democracies felt as if they had to fight back; and, thus, began the launch of World War II. Germany was essentially defeated.
             The term "appeasement" has been associated to the Munich Conference, and is defined as "a pejorative term for a strategic maneuver, based on either pragmatism, fear of war, or moral conviction, that leads to acceptance of imposed conditions in preference to defending against aggressors." Furthermore, from this period of unfortunate concurrence rooted the description: "Munich Syndrome."
             In the dusty beginnings of the Cold War, many American individuals felt as if giving into the Soviets would be a sign of weakness. These Americans wanted to resist with all, hard-driving attempt. However, the United States was apparently forced to compromise on some of the ideological policy objectives. The United States' government grew increasingly worried of the expansionist actions of the Soviet Union, and its support for Communist revolutions in the third world and beyond. This atmosphere of conflict with the Soviets is what created those scenarios in which the United States had to compromise. For example, the support for certain dictatorships were often criticized to be in violation of Wilson's Fourteen Points. However, policy makers had to make justification with the response of this dictator being the only stable ruler of an unstable country. Furthermore, policy makers also noted that an alternative to this approach would lead ...

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Munich Conference. (1969, December 31). In Retrieved 16:58, July 01, 2024, from