A Career in Computer Programming

             My career of choice will be a Computer Programmer because I like computers, and I am logical. I will be working hard toward my goal and achieve my degree in that field. I worked with PowerPoint, Office 2000, and Excel, which are all Microsoft Products. I have done Structured Programming. Hopefully, within a year and a half, I will receive my Associates in Science and work. I intend to become financially independent. Eventually, with night classes, I will further my education with a Bachelor of Science, of the same field, of course. I feel that this is my fate.
             The responsibilities of a computer programmer are fixing computer errors so that the computer can run smoothly. Computer programmers do duties under such companies like Motorola, Pratt Whitney, IBM, Apple, businesses that depend on computers, governments, Palm Beach County services and other counties, Federal jobs, City positions of West Palm Beach, Boynton Beach, Miami, Tampa, Orlando, New York, Los Angeles, Washington DC, Toronto, London, Bombay, Silicon Valley, Paris, and many, many more positions. One of the ways of fixing errors is decoding programming languages that are composed in the problem program and fix them so that it can be running. A computer runs on programming "languages" by electrical impulses through a series of 1s and 0s switches. The languages interpret the impulses through logical typewritten statements, to the programs so that they could run on user-friendly mode. Microsoft Office is a program; Solitaire is a program, Real Player (music player) is also a program. Sometimes programs go wrong because a switch might have been off course, causing the programming language to make errors or "bugs." That is where the programmer will fix that language. There are many programming languages such as HTML, Logo, Basic, QuickBasic, QBasic, Visual Basic Scripting, JAVA, JavaScript, C, C++, A+, Inet, Cisqo, Pascal, Linux, Xhtml, dynamic HTML, oracle, pearl, flash, pho...

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A Career in Computer Programming. (1969, December 31). In MegaEssays.com. Retrieved 10:10, March 14, 2025, from https://www.megaessays.com/viewpaper/90048.html