Aristotle Vs. Christianity

             Moral philosophy has always been a persistent issue to human beings because of the ability to rationalize and reason. These philosophies do not simply originate over night; instead they are formed after making different comparisons and revisions. Aristotle's only perfected his interpretation of moral philosophy after learning the basics from Plato, however Aristotle began to come to his own individual conclusions about life. Christianity also did not originate instantly. Christianity was branched of Judaism and was also manipulated to achieve a distinct moral philosophy. These philosophies of proper conduct originated by extending past versions and through human being's ability to reason and expand their understanding. The Gospel According to Matthew from the New Testament and Aristotle's Nichomachean Ethics both outline a seemingly similar proper conduct on the surface, but it is lucid that the final accomplishment is dissimilar.
             The understanding of what is good in these two philosophies is distinct. Aristotle believes that good, "has rightly been declared to be that at which all things aim" (35). Aristotle believes that all actions are performed toward some good. To Aristotle there is no specific good because good is happiness and happiness is different to every person. Politics is the "science of the good" (35) to Aristotle because the bettering of the state as a whole is what is most important. Aristotle categorizes happiness into three kinds, which are gratification, politics, and study. Gratification is where "the mass of mankind are evidently quite slavish in their tastes (38). This is the life of happiness through material objects like money. Politics is not as solipsistic but it still involves happiness through honor, and therefore still superficial. The life of study is the least base of the three because happiness comes from within and does not rely on any outside forces. In Christ...

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Aristotle Vs. Christianity. (1969, December 31). In Retrieved 14:33, December 03, 2024, from