Love vs Hate

             Emotions are the strongest feelings that come to life through our highest highs and our lowest lows. The two most extreme emotions known to man are love and hate. As experience has taught me, "Love conquers all." With love, you can do anything. The power of love is stronger than hate because love gets you where you want to go and hate only brings pain and sorrow in its wake.
             When we begin to read Wuthering Heights, we begin to realize that the story is built around love. Heathcliff and Catherine's love was unsurpassed. When Hindley begins to abuse on Heathcliff and Catherine marries Edgar Linton, Heathcliff exacts his revenge. Heathcliff throughout most of the novel uses his hate to try to destroy all those around him. One can see to what great lengths he would actually go with this quote; "I'm trying to settle how I shall pay Hindley back. I don't care how long I wait, if I can only do it at last. I hope he will not die before I do." (Bronte). Love does prevail in the novel however because no matter how much revengeful Heatcliff will try to destroy any site of love, he would realize that what he does doesn't affect them because they have love. You can see this with young Catherine and the abused Hareton overcome all obstacles and fall in love.
             Then if we begin to read The House of Spirits we realize that also in this book
             that love conquers all obstacles... especially hate. In The House of Spirits, Esteban plays
             the same role Heatcliff plays in Wuthering Heights. Esteban is a person that is capable of
             love, but only brings out the hate in him with his actions. He may raise a pile of dirt into
             a plantation with the use of his intellect, but through his raping and bullying he is
             portrayed as someone full of hate. One would see after reading this quote how much
             Esteban's hate has hurt people throughout the novel, "I set my curse on you, Esteb

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Love vs Hate. (1969, December 31). In Retrieved 22:07, March 06, 2025, from