Although there are a lot more main characters than just two in the book I Know What You Did Last Summer, the two that stood out the most to me are Helen Rivers and Raymond Bronson. Helen Rivers was beautiful. She was the Golden Girl (or in other words, Weather Girl). Helen had brown hair with honey colored highlights, violet eyes with long, blue-black lashes, a nice body, and a good sized bust. Helen figured since her family was poor, and she wasn't the greatest in school either, that she would use her looks to get by. Raymond or Ray on the other hand was also very attractive. He was short; five-foot-eight. He was lean, and light-boned, and not very muscular. He had brown hair which hung over bright green eyes. Ray was also a very smart man.
In I Know What You Did Last Summer, Julie James is accepted to Smith College, but when she gets her mail, she receives an anonymous note that has no return address marked. Julie nearly faints when she reads the seven words printed in black ink: "I KNOW WHAT YOU DID LAST SUMMER". All of a sudden, strange things started happening to Julie and her friends. Helen Rivers, her best friend, had her house broken into. Luckily, no one was attacked. Helen's boyfriend, Barry Cox, was shot in the stomach. All of these things happened because of the one thing they know they did last summer; they killed a kid riding on a bicycle after a picnic in the mountains. They had all been drinking a little and smoking a little weed. They couldn't see him riding his bike in the dark, because the bike had no reflectors. They panicked, and left the boy lying there, dying. They called the police and left. The memory would haunt them forever. The climax of this book is when you find out who the killer is. It explains a lot of things that the book told you in the beginning.
The book I Know What You Did Last Summer shows the universal theme "Man vs. Man", because Julie, Ray, Barry, and ...