Since the beginning of time people have taken enormous risks and had to overcome many obstacles. From early history until recently, people have been faced with many problems and they always find ways to overcome them.
John Smith and William Bradford were faced with many difficulties on their journeys in early history and conquered many obstacles on their way. They are a prime example of overcoming obstacles and facing problems. William Bradley faced many difficulties in his voyage. The main problem was the starvation, and disease. In about two or three months into their arrival at Cape Harbor, half of the company died. There was nothing to do to stop the high percentage of deaths on the plantation except give the dying what they wish. They also treated the sick with mercy. Even if they were rude in the past they still wanted to help them before they died: "But when he grew weak, they had compassion on him and helped him..." (Of Plymouth Plantation, 71.)
John Smith was leading an expedition on the Chickahominy River when he and his men were attacked by Indians. When the Indians showed Smith what they had done to his men he simply held out a compass and gave it to the captain of the tribe. After that the Indians showed John Smith great respect and invited him to a feast. Smith overcame his obstacles by being very calm about what happened and showing the tribe new trinkets like the compass. Smith was taken prisoner for six or seven weeks and by the end of that period the savages began to admire him: "... yet he so demeaned himself amongst them, as he not only diverted them from surprising the fort, but procured his own liberty, and got himself and his company such estimation amongst them, that those savages admired him." (The General History of Virginia, 68) If Smith hadn't have acted in su...