Global agriculture has been suffering for many years. The problems that are being faced now are not new, nor will they go away in the future, but rather increase. This can be seen though the constant poor use or land and food, the deterioration of farming land, and the always hungry developing countries.
The world does not seem to be able to use the land and food it has to its full advantage. First, grain that could be feeding the starving is being wasted away to accommodate the developed countries of this world. 40% of the worlds grain is being fed to livestock to be used in the meat centered diets of 1 and 4 people of the world. Using grain fed livestock to support the countries is not even efficient, because of the amount of calories lost during production. Second, people are not taking care of their land. They are stripping it of essential nutrients, and turning the land in to dust by overgrazing and over tilling, which causes erosion. Once the soil is lost it is useless, and can not be replaced. 75 billion tones of soil is lost every year. Also, contrary to popular belief that the world does not have enough food to feed everyone, it does. The world produces enough food to "send everyone to bed with a full stomach". The problem is not how much can or cannot be produced by the world, but how it is distributed among the countries, and it is always the rich countries that get what they want. The average person requires 2,400 calories a day. The average person in a developed, rich, country would receive 40% more calories then they need, while in developing, poor, countries a person would receive 10% below the required amount.
Changes in the environment have a huge effect on the world capability to produce crops. Some of these changes come naturally, but most have been rapidly aided by human activity. Humans will continue to consume the world around them until there is nothing left. Deforestation by clear cutting or f