Life or Death in Auschwitz

             "Auschwitz" the most brutal and horrifying German death camp of them all. Located near a town called "Oswie'cim" in Poland. Ran by Nazis under the control of Adolph Hitler. Auschwitz ran for six long strong years from 1939 to 1945. Nazis ran this camp after World War 1 and through World War 2. Also this camp "Auschwitz" was called "Birkenau".
             By the Nazis running this camp under Hitler's rule they made this camp the most brutal of the three German death camps. Mostly Jews was Hitler's target because they were blamed for the killing of JESUS CHRIST. Also they didn't fit Hitler's blonde hair blue eyed discription. Once they are trained in to the camp the are separated at the door. Only the strong would survive. They picked out only the strong to work for them. The strong ones would be worked to their death by starvation or just working to hard and suffering. The weak ones at the door would go to gas chambers or down alleys and murdered.
             Also during Hitler's rule he was arrested because he tried to topple the Bavarian government but he failed. He was sentenced to five years but he only served nine months. During his nine months of imprisonment he wrote "Mein Kampf". On June seventeenth 1936, Henrich Himmler becomes head chief of the German police. Also through August first through sixteenth Hitler opened Olympic games in Berlin. Hitler really comes to power on January thirtyeth of 1933, when he becomes national Chancellor. During October through November of 1934, homosexuals are arrested through out Germany. On January thirtyith of 1939, Hitler tells German Reichstag that a world war will mean the "extermination of all Jewish race in Europe". Big and strong words coming from a ruler that always keep his word of doing his job. Then on November twenty-third of 1939, All Jews in General Government in Poland have to wear the Star of David.
             By telling you this information about Auschwitz and hearing how bad

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