The song 'unpretty' is about a girl who was always happy with herself and the way she looked. But her boyfriend makes her doubt herself because he's always stuck on her looks and criticices her appearance. Because of this she is starting to feel unpretty and insecure. She also thinks her boyfriend doesn't care about her inner self. So she's thinking about dumping him so she could be happy with herself again.
             I've chosen this song because I think it's a very nice lyric with a deeper meaning from which you can learn something. People are usually judged by their appearance before someone wants to get to know them. This is wrong because looks are just the packing of a person's inner self. And you shouldn't care to much about what other people think about your looks as long as you're happy, because that's the most important. So like they show in the videoclip of 'unpretty' : never do stupid things like a breast implant just because your boyfriend wants to. The other way around you also shouldn't judge very beautiful people. It's a stupid prejudice that very beautiful people can't be intelligent and perfect. And especially in a relationship appearance isn't the most important thing because you're relationship is build on looks it isn't gonna last long. I think all girls should learn off the message TLC gives us here! It's very important that girls all over the world know that they must be strond! You shouldn't do something only because your boyfriend or somebody else tells you! Make your own choises bso you can be happy with you, yor body, your looks, etc. This is the reasen I wanted to talk about this song : it has an important message!

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TLC. (1969, December 31). In Retrieved 21:08, January 07, 2025, from