The Netherlands

             The Netherlands is a fairly small country on the continent of Europe. The Netherlands has an unusually high population for such a small country at 15,653,091 people. The area of the Netherlands is only 16,033 square miles which is considerably small since the population is so high.
             The Netherlands does not have any large physical features such as monutains, but has sandy plains throughout the western coast. On the western coast of the country lies the North Sea. Much exportation and importation takes place on this body of water.
             The exact location of the Netherlands is 52∘ North latitude and 5∘ East longitude.
             The netherlands has had some very important historical event which have shaped the countries being. In 1228 close to 100,000 people drowned in a coastal flood. In 1581 the dutch republic began its reign. In 1795 Amsterdam became the official national capital.
             The Netherlands has a very mild climate with mildly hot summers and mildly cold winters.
             The currency in the Netherlands is the Euro. 2.07 guilders is worth one american dollar. The economy and currency are confusing, but the people of Netherlands seem to do well in their economy.
             The government is a monarchy. Queen Beatris is the current quee, but the prime minister makes most decisions. There is no offical religion in the Netherlands because religion there is so diverse.
             The Netherlands is far different from the U.S. but each country has its ups and downs and seems to be doing well in the world today.

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The Netherlands. (1969, December 31). In Retrieved 05:20, October 05, 2024, from