How to Reduce Stress

             There are many people suffering from stress related issues. Stress tends todistort the body and cause mental or bodily tension. There are many things that can cause stress, such as money, bills, and many jobs, to name a few. for instance a woman, who is both wife and mother and works full a full time job, is a suitable candidate for stress. Her day consists of getting her husband and children off to work and school, as well as herself. There is no time for herself once her day at work is done. She has to help with homework, cook dinner, and clean. She becomes irritable and soon her mind and body strart to react, this eventually will affect her home life as well as her health. There are many ways to deal with stress. A person in this situation, or similar, should look at their life on paper. This means write down everything you do from morning to night. By doing this you can see how much time you have, and schedule yur days accodingly. There also might be some time in between your busy schedule that you didn't recognize, and can use it for quality time for yourself. Another approach in reducing stess is to find something you enjoy doing. It doesn't matter what, as long as it's something you like. A lot of times stress can be brought on outside the home, and brought home. If you have a stressful job and it reflects on your attitude at home or around others and there's no way to handle the situation, get a new job. Last but not least, for those who are severely depressed, and their health is at risk, you might need to cinsult a physician. Some people need to consult a physcian. Some people need help to controll and maintain a stress free environment. The bottom line is once you recognize the problem, it's up to you to take the necessary steps to correct it.

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How to Reduce Stress. (1969, December 31). In Retrieved 05:21, October 01, 2024, from