Religious Freedom

             Religious freedom was the most important issue to the writers of the constitution because they felt it was time for a change in the way things were ran. The reason America broke away from the reign of the royalty in Europe is because they were tired of being told what to believe in. Also in having religious freedom it would help keep the government from being overthrown, allow people to have rights of their own, and would help in preventing wars.
             They thought that in having religious freedom it might help keep the government from being overthrown. When the people of a nation aren't allowed to choose what they want to believe in their government rulers agitate them. The writers of the constitution thought that by letting people decide what they want to believe in it would make people happier and they would like their type of government.
             Allowing people to choose what type of religion they want to participate in gives people their own rights. Everyone doesn't believe in the same religion and this gives people a way to practice what they choose. All most everyone would like to do what he or she chooses and it is not fair for the government to choose what he or she can and cannot believe in.
             Preventing wars within the nation was another big deal to the writers of the constitution. They thought that if the people were allowed to choose what they believed in on their own then there would be less fighting between people. In England, during this time period, there was usually only one religion in a country and the people of the countries didn't get to choose what they believed in. If the people didn't agree with the religion they would face the consequences of the royalty.
             I think that without freedom of religion this world would go nowhere. Everyone would fight and there probably wouldn't be any love in anyone's heart for other people. Also, having diverse religions makes this world interes...

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Religious Freedom. (1969, December 31). In Retrieved 09:53, July 06, 2024, from