If you could be anybody for a day who would you be? Or, if you could have lunch with any one person who would you pick? Most everyone would probably pick a celebrity, someone who is famous or well known for a talent of theirs. This could be dancing, singing, acting, politics, sports, or even writing. The most well known celebrities are usually actors or singers, simply because they receive the most publicity. Famous people are continuously being chased by the paparazzi, and their faces are posted all over magazines and television. Average Americans are under the impression that celebrities live much better lives than us, and also believe that celebrities and "normal" people are absolutely nothing alike. Celebrities do live differently, always being catered too, and typically have a lot more materialistic objects than the average American, but the truth is: We are all people, and we can all relate to each other in some way or another.
For starters, average Americans work eight to five, Monday through Friday, and sometimes work even more than the required forty hour week, all for a small amount of money. We drive twenty thousand dollar vehicles, and live in three bedroom one hundred twenty thousand dollar homes. On the other hand, celebrities make millions of dollars a year. Stars drive one hundred thousand dollar cars, and live in ten bedroom mansions, that typically have a view to die for, either overlooking the ocean or up in the Hollywood Hills. Celebrities also dish out a lot of money on designer clothes made by Oleg Cassini, Gore Vidal, and Prada. Average people shop at Wal-mart, and we love to take advantage of great bargains. However, there are some celebrities, Paris Hilton for example, who is so naive to the average lifestyle that she believes that Wal-mart is a store where "wall stuff" is sold! We all have a place we call home, and most everyone has a car; the difference is that average people do not ma...