Thesis Statement: Racism in Germany during the 1930's and 1940's was mainly caused by Adolf Hitler's obsession with a pure Arian race and the annihilation of the Jewish race.
Adolf Hitler was the leader of the National Socialist German Worker's Party (Nazi Party). After Hindenburg's death he became Dictator "Reichskanzler" over Germany and therefore had full powerover the German Nation. The German Nation called him "Fuehrer" meaning "leader". He expressed his thoughts and ideas in his book "Mein Kampf". He believed that Germans were superior humans and sought to keep Germany "pure". He despised Slavic and Jewish people because he considered them as evil but he also hated Gypsies, Poles, Jehovah's Witnesses, priests and ministers. One of Hitler's goals
was to unite all Germans in a common state (The Third Reich). Hitler's obsession with racial purity and Arian superiority grew stronger and he thought of the Nordic Arian Race as the only source of human greatness. With the Nazi party controlling Germany, organizations were founded to train German children.The children were removed from their homes at a young age and put in training camps. They were trained in military discipline and were taught the importance of loyalty to their country. The Kids were
instructed to spy on their families, and had to immediately report any anti Nazi activities. The camp forboys was called "Hitlerjugend" meaning "Hitler Youth" and the girls camp was named "Bund Der Deutschen Maedchen", known as "Society Of German Maidens". Many children turned in their own parents and close relatives not realizing the dangerous consequences. Adolf Hitler was a man filled with anger and hatred. He was responsible for the loss of many innocent lives.
Hitler's intense racism led to the infamous holocaust, when millions of people were exterminated.After the "Nuernberg Laws" were created, all Jewish people were taken away their German Citizenship and banned